
I have always been drawn to the beauty and simplicity of Japanese art and prints. I adore its abstract and organic feel. For this art piece, I wanted to make it unique by incorporating my stamp art designs and stamping skills into the work. I was intrigued by the organic feel of the overall composition, but at the same time, it had an abstract, contemporary approach to it. The flat, simple effect is like old Japanese prints, in contrast to the complexity and detail of the piece as you look closer. There is a beautiful balance and harmony in the composition between the complex, busy areas and the open space. A bit of a Ying and Yang at its core.


Materials: Original pen and ink artwork with silver metallic and gold chrome embellishments on deckled edge, watercolor paper. Hand signed and stamped one-of-a-kind piece. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Framing is available upon request only. Inquire for pricing, shipping and any additional information. Use contact form below. Please reference artwork title. 

Medium: Pen and ink plus stamp art on natural white, 640 gsm, 300 lb cold pressed, beautiful deckled edge watercolor paper.

Size: 29.5" x 41.5" (75 cm x 105 cm)


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